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carphone warehouse

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Carphone Warehouse is a telecommunications retailer that sells mobile phones, tablets, wearables, phone accessories, and SIMs. Apple, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, Sony, Microsoft, and LG are some of the brands available in its stores. Carphone Warehouse also offers customers with upgrading, repairing, and trade-in services, along with buying adviceand technical support. It facilitates online purchasing, monthly payment, and free delivery options. Carphone Warehouse was founded by Charles Dunstone in 1989 and is based in London, United Kingdom with presence in other European countries, including Ireland.

Principales Mercados

  • África
  • Asia
  • Europa del Este
  • Oriente Medio
  • Norteamérica
  • Oceanía
  • América del Sur
  • Sudoeste de Asia
  • Europa Ocidental

Más sobre
carphone warehouse

icone de usuario



sales icon

50M - 100M

Volumen de ventas (USD)

icone de exportar


% de ventas de exportación



Año de fundación

Tipo de negocio
  • Distribuidor/Mayorista
  • Minorista

Palabras clave
  • car
  • phoneware

Contacto y ubicación
  • icone de usuario car phone
  • icone de telefone +30 xxxxxxxx
  • map-marker england / london | Grecia

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